Máte svůj management systém správně aktualizován? - 1. díl (SCOM 2007 SP1, R2, SCE 2007 SP1)

Je pravdou, že vychází hodně hotfixů pro různé systémy a pokud nemáte čas všechny testovat, většinou počkáte až na uvedení opravného balíčku Service Pack. To ale někdy nestačí, protože váš management systém může být nestabilní. Jak ale poznat co systém opravdu potřebuje? Podle chybových zpráv systému, případně jeho chování lze najít konkrétní řešení na stránkách http://support.microsoft.com/. POZOR - Aktualizováno dne 21.10.2009.   Existuje však seznam doporučených hotfixů (ne tedy všech existujících), které by měly být aplikovány v každém prostředí. Tento seznam není oficiálním stanoviskem společnosti Microsoft, ale vychází ze zkušeností mnoha IT profesionálů zabývajících se management systémy SCOM 2007.

Pro System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 RTM (6.1.7221.0) jsou velmi doporučovány následující hotfixy:


Aktualizace: Operations Manager 2007 R2 management pack Aktualizované soubory:

  • Základní systémové management packy pro SCOM 2007 R2

    Řeší problémy:

  • Restartování agentů + mnoho dalších vylepšení.

    Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • Console

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech prostředí SCOM 2007 R2. Hotfix: 971233 Nahrazuje hotfix: N/A Řeší problémy:

  • Konzola ukazuje upravené “subscriptions SMTP{GUID}” po migraci SCOM 2007 SP1 na SCOM 2007 R2.

    Kde instalovat:

  • Operations Database (TSQL only)

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena pouze pro řešení popsaného problému. Veškeré níže popsané hotfixy jsou určeny pro System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 RTM (6.0.6278.0).


    Pro System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 RTM (6.0.6278.0) jsou vyžadovány následující hotfixy:  Hotfix: 959865 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Mommodules.dll  6.0.6278.65

    • Mommodules2.dll  6.0.6278.65
    • Microsoft.windows.cluster.library.mp 6.0.6278.69
    • Momagentinstaller.exe 6.0.6278.56

    Nahrazuje hotfix:

  • KB958254 Mommodules.dll 6.0.6278.50

    • KB954903 Mommodules.dll 6.0.6278.36
    • KB951380 Mommodules.dll  6.0.6278.20
    • KB950853 Mommodules.dll  6.0.6278.11

    Řeší problémy:

  • Cluster:  NTeventlog workflow errors on Server 2008 failover clusters

    • Cluster:  Duplicate alerts on 2003 and 2008 failover clusters from event log after failover
    • Cluster:  Allow discovery of multiple network name resources in a single cluster resource group
    • When Operations Manager monitors a plain text log file, the expected response from a monitor or rule does not occur if a null character was written to the plain text log file

    Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • MS
    • GW
    • Agents
      • import management packu

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí.   Hotfix: 961363 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Momnetworkmodules.dll  6.0.6278.68

    • Momagentinstaller.exe  6.0.6278.56

    Řeší problémy:

  • Pokud používáte SCOM 2007 na monitorování SNMP zařízení, dohled těchto zařízení může být přerušen.

    Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • MS
    • GW
    • Agents

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí.   Hotfix: 960363 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Microsoft.SystemCenter. DataWarehouse.Report.Library.mp 6.0.6278.60

    Řeší problémy:

  • When you view a performance report that contains charts that are exported to the Web archive format, the charts are incorrectly scaled. Specifically, the right side of the charts are truncated.

    • A performance report that contains multiple charts does not display the charts in the order in which they are configured in the report settings

    Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • Console

    Poznámka: Tento hotfix obsahuje pouze aktualizaci pro management packu. Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí.   Hotfix: 969130 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Microsoft.systemcenter. datawarehouse.library.mp 6.0.6278.66

    • System.applicationlog.library.mp 6.0.6278.21

    Řeší problémy:

  • SCOM 2007 SP1 Data Warehouse raw event tables are not groomed as expected when the data retention setting is reached for the Event dataset

    Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • Console

    Poznámka: Tento hotfix obsahuje pouze aktualizaci pro management packu. Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí.   Hotfix: 951979 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Microsoft.SystemCenter.2007.mp  6.0.6278.19

    • Microsoft.SystemCenter.ACS.Internal.mp  6.0.6278.19
    • Microsoft.SystemCenter.Internal.mp  6.0.6278.19
    • Microsoft.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.mp  6.0.6278.19

    Řeší problémy:

  • 1: CSDVersion property from Windows Vista-based computers

    • 2: operating system properties from Windows 2000 based computers
    • 3: The HandleCountThreshold monitor doesn't restart the HealthService
    • 4: ACS events cannot be collected correctly
    • 5: Alerts are raised for Performance Data Source Module
    • 6: Cluster discovery does not work correctly

    Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • Console

    Poznámka: Tento hotfix obsahuje pouze aktualizaci pro core management packy. Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí.   Hotfix: 956240  Aktualizované soubory:

  • Microsoft.mom.dataaccesslayer.dll  6.0.6278.37

    Řeší problémy: Proces SQL Server může využívat veškeré prostředky CPU na serveru, kde je umístěna Operations Manager 2007 databáze. Toto se projeví po změnách v Operations Manager 2007. Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • MS
    • OpsDB

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí. Toto je kritický update například pro velká prostředí s databázovými systémy. Bez hotfixu může docházet k přetěžování systémů.   Hotfix: 957511  Aktualizované soubory:

  • Momnetworkmodules.dll  6.0.6278.45

    Nahrazuje hotfix:

  • KB951526 Momnetworkmodules.dll 6.0.6278.24

    • KB956689 Momnetworkmodules.dll  6.0.6278.41

    Řeší problémy: Změny pro Warning alerts a warning stav monitoru se nevyskytují podle předpokladu pro sledování Web aplikace, která byla vytvořena pomocí Web application template v SCOM 2007 Service Pack 1 Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • MS
    • GW
    • Agents

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí. KB 951526 je vyžadován pokud používáte Dell Hardware MP nebo jiné management packy využívající SNMP.   Hotfix: 958253  Aktualizované soubory:

  • Microsoft.systemcenter.internal.mp 6.0.6278.55

    Řeší problémy: Když zkoušíte zobrazit pohled na hodnotu “Patch List” v SCOM 2007, seznam hotfixů pro Operations Manager agenty může být nečitelný. Proto nelze správně zjistit, které hotfixy byly instalovány na SCOM agenta a které ještě musí být instalovány. Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • Console

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí.   Hotfix: 954049 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Multiple - See article

    Řeší problémy: Server 2008 support Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    • MS
    • GW
    • Agents

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena do všech management prostředí, kde chcete využívat Windows Server 2008 serverovou roli. Také tam kde budete aktualizovat agenta z Windows Server 2003 na 2008. Hotfix: 957135 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Microsoft.mom.ui.common.dll 6.0.6278.46

    • Microsoft.mom.ui.components.dll 6.0.6278.46

    Řeší problémy:

  • Pokud změníte stav alertu na “closed”, ale “new” resolution state uzavřeného alertu je stále zobrazeno ve sloupci Resolution State v okně view. Tento originální state zůstává zejména pokud:

    • Pohled view je aktualizován (refresh).
    • Nové okno view nebo nový node je vybrán a originální alert view je znovu nastaveno.
    • Vytvořený alert má datum, který ještě nenastal.

    Kde instalovat:

  • All Consoles

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena pouze pro řešení popsaného problému. Hotfix: 954643 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Managementpackinstall.sp.sql

    Řeší problémy: Je vytvořen EventID 31569 po instalaci management packu, který obsahuje reporty pro System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 server Kde instalovat:

  • Data Warehouse Database

    Poznámka: Hotfix obsahuje SQL script,, který spustíte v databázi přes “query window”. Instalace hotfixu je doporučena pouze pro řešení popsaného problému. Hotfix: 956446 Aktualizované soubory:

  • Microsoft.enterprisemanagement.healthservice.modules.notification.dll 6.0.6278.39

    Řeší problémy: Notifikace pomocí emailu může mít nečitelný předmět, pokud je zapnuta volba "Generate subject line with no encoding". Kde instalovat:

  • RMS

    Poznámka: Instalace hotfixu je doporučena pouze pro řešení popsaného problému. Některé hotfixy vyžadují také aktualizaci agenta, která se provede většinou automaticky. A co dodat? VŽDY pozorně čtěte instrukce, aby jste hotfix instalovali na správný server/roli. Hotfix může být určen pro SQL Server, RMS, MS, Gateway nebo pro agenta. VŽDY po instalaci hotfixu zkontrolujte DLL verze aktualizovaných souborů a zda odpovídají aktualizaci. VŽDY proveďte kontrolu adresáře \AgentManagement na management serveru a gateway serveru, pro kontrolu dostupnosti aktualizace agenta “soubor*.MSP”. Na Windows Server 2008 raději spouštějte instalaci hotfixu z příkazové řádky.   Nyní vám k tomu přidám přehlednou tabulku s těmito doporučenými hotfixy a rozpisem určení pro jednotlivé role OpsMgr 2007 SP1. Tabulka je také rozdělena podle typu operačního systému.

    SCOM hotfixes

    Pro představu uvádím hotfixy, které byly uveřejněny pro System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 Pokud však výše popsané doporučené hotfixy váš problém s prostředím dohledového systému nevyřeší, můžete se podívat na celkový seznam hotfixů, které byly vydány pro SCOM 2007 a SCOM 2007 SP1 před uvedením SCOM 2007 R2. Informace pro tyto seznamy jsem čerpal z blogů Kevina Holmana (PFE, Microsoft) a Waltera Eikenbooma (Getronics PinkRoccade). Opět jen malé doporučení: INSTALUJTE JEN POTŘEBNÉ HOTFIXY, NE VŠECHNY NAJEDNOU!   KB958490
    Fixes a problem in which dependency monitors indicate an incorrect state on System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1-based systems. KB959497
    Fixes a problem in which the Service Control Manager logs event ID 7031 when the System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 SDK service stops unexpectedly. Requires you to apply a hotfix to resolve this problem. KB960363
    Fixes a problem in which charts in a performance report are incorrectly scaled. Or, a report that contains multiple charts does not display the charts in the expected order. These symptoms occur in System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1. KB968332
    Describes an issue in which you cannot perform a distributed installation of the SCOM 2007 Reporting service onto a server when the Root Management Server and the OpsMgr SDK Service use different language versions. KB967503
    Explains that antivirus software blocks script execution in System Center Operations Manager 2007. You must verify that your antivirus software is not blocking scripts from running to resolve this problem. KB967537
    Help and Support KB957561
    Describes how to install the Web Console component of System Center Operations Manager 2007 on a stand-alone server. KB957562
    Describes how to configure the Operations Manager Connector Framework (OMCF) in System Center Operations Manager 2007 to use Security Sockets Layer (SSL) functionality. KB954090
    Describes a problem in which the Web Console shows an incorrect scope of objects in a performance view that is scoped to a specific group. Provides a resolution. KB956172
    Fixes a problem that the CcmExec.exe process crashes on a Windows 2000-based computer if both a System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP 1 agent and a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 client are installed on this computer. KB958253
    Fixes a problem in which you cannot obtain all installed patch information by using the patch list column in the Operations Console because of a maximum character limitation. KB951528
    Describes a problem that occurs when you open the properties for a rule, and you view the Product Knowledge tab. Occurs after you add non-English company knowledge into a rule and save the rule into a new management pack. KB957566
    Describes a problem in which the installation of the secondary management server of System Center Operations Manager 2007 rolls back. A resolution is provided. KB957568
    Describes the Microsoft support policy for System Center Operations Manager 2007 running on hardware virtualization software. KB961725
    When you run the System Center Operations Manager 2007 DBCreatewizard utility on a 64-bit operating system you may receive the following BadImageformatException: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Mom.UI.Wrappers,... KB960883
    When you try to run ASP.Net 2.0 on a FIPS enabled server you may receive an error similar to the following: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms. KB957560
    Describes a problem in which the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 console crashes with a NullReferenceException exception. A resolution and a workaround are provided. KB951529
    Explains that without validation checks on the rule name in Operations Manager 2007 operations console may cause scripts to run in the Rule Name field or the Description field. KB952857
    Resolves the problem that occurs when you run the Custom Event Report against the events that the GenericLog provider collects. The Custom Event Report returns no information. Requires you to apply a hotfix. KB953817
    Fixes a problem in which the Administrator Console may throw an exception when you try to use the "Set Resolution State" option for an alert that is generated on an agent in Operations Manager 2007. KB954329
    Fixes a problem that Audit Collection Service (ACS) forwarder may be unable to retrieve distinguished name for the GUID in the collected events in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1. Requires you to install a hotfix to resolve it. KB954823
    Describes a problem in which events that are generated by using the generic CSV text log collection rules cannot be displayed in a custom event report when parameters 1 to 20 are used as filters. Provides a hotfix. KB957135
    Discusses a problem in which any changes to alerts may not be reflected by the Operations Manager console if one or more alerts contain future date. Provides a resolution. KB957199
    Describes the circumstances under which the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 operations console cannot display English product. Provides a hotfix. KB957511
    Fixes a problem that warning alerts and warning monitor state changes do not occur as expected for a Web application that is created by using the Web application template in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1. KB957565
    Explains that you cannot install the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 management server role on a computer on which the role was previously installed and removed. A resolution is provided. KB957567
    Explains that event ID 7024 is logged, and the Health Service does not start, when you try to deploy a System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 agent. Provides a resolution. KB952937
    Explains that the relative date picker returns wrong dates when you run any report in a month that has fewer days than the previous month in System Center Operations Manager 2007. Requires you to install a hotfix to resolve this problem. KB954049
    Describes the hotfix rollup package for Operations Manager 2007 SP1 and System Center Essentials SP1, dated July 25, 2008. This hotfix package provides support to install these products on a Windows Server 2008-based computer. KB953141
    Discusses support requirements For Windows Server 2008 to support System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 and System Center Essentials 2007 SP1. KB946437
    Describes how to disable the use of certificates that are imported by using the MOMCertImport.exe tool. KB939606
    Fixes a problem where it may take several hours to approve newly discovered computers, and an agent that was approved for an Operations Manager server cannot be approved for a second Operations Manager server. KB946433
    Describes the mode that Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) modems must support to work with Short Message Service (SMS) notifications in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007. KB946435
    Describes a problem that occurs when you try to use the Agent Exception Monitoring configuration wizard to configure a remote file share for crash dump files in Operations Manager 2007. A resolution is provided. KB948730
    Describes an issue in which the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider host process (Wmiprvse.exe) stops responding on a Dell computer. Additionally, Event ID 1000 is logged in the Event Viewer Application log. Provides a resolution. KB941017
    Fixes a problem in System Center Operations Manager 2007. Specifically, the Inventory views, such as the "Columns to display," "Sort columns by," and "Group items by text" values are not localized as expected. Instead, they are displayed in English. KB941045
    When you create user roles, accounts, and profiles in the Japanese version of System Center Operations Manager 2007, they are not translated into Japanese. A hotfix is available. KB942168
    Fixes an issue that occurs in System Center Operations Manager 2007 after you install RemotelyAnywhere on the Root Management Server. The Health service does not start. KB943211
    Fixes a problem that occurs in System Center Operations Manager 2007 when you try to implement Active Directory integration scenarios for untrusted domains. KB938510
    Describes a problem where you cannot obtain elevated user rights in management servers and in agents in System Center Operations Manager 2007 or System Center Essentials 2007 environments. A hotfix is provided. KB939769
    Fixes a problem in which you notice a delay in fetching "Actions for Tasks" and "Actions for Reports" for a selected row in System Center Operations Manager 2007. This delay may be 10 seconds or longer. KB941307
    Health monitor may display state changes in an incorrect order in System Center Operations Manager 2007. This problem occurs when the state changes occur very quickly. A hotfix is available to resolve this problem. KB941943
    Describes a problem that occurs when lots of optimized performance counters are collected. Provides a hotfix. KB938507
    Describes a problem in which the report scheduling fails when the regional settings on the client computer and in the server computer are different in System Center Operations Manager 2007. A hotfix is provided. KB940224
    Describes a problem where the Optimized Performance Counter Collection collects multiple values of zero when the counter value is a constant zero and the tolerance type is a percentage. KB948069
    Explains that an error message occurs when you try to run reports in System Center Operations Manager 2007. You can give access to all SDK accounts to work around this problem. KB941977
    Fixes a problem that occurs in System Center Operations Manager 2007 when you try to edit Web application monitoring settings. KB946434
    Describes why Action tasks that are typically available are not available when you select many items in any of the views in Operations Manager 2007. You can make a registry change to modify this behavior. KB948095
    When the Exchange Server is installed on cluster virtual servers, the Exchange server cannot be detected as a “back-end” server. So the back-end clustered Exchange server will not be displayed in the Exchange back-end server view. KB948097
    The CPU percentage Utilization monitors are targeted to the Windows server 2003 processor class. However, there is no available Windows server 2003 processor class instance by default, due to the corresponding discovery rule: Discover Windows CPUs is disabled by default. KB948098
    Gateway server is not working properly after installation. The server status is always displayed as “not monitored” in SCOM administrator console -> Administration -> manager servers. KB946427
    Describes an issue that occurs when you try to monitor the physical nodes of an SQL cluster by using the agent in System Center Operations Manager 2007. A resolution is provided. KB946432
    Describes that registry entry names that contain a backslash character () are considered as part of the registry path when you use "Registry Probe" in System Center Operations Manager 2007. Steps to reproduce the issue included. KB946436
    Describes an issue that occurs because the current user does not have a user-persisted connection setting to connect to a Management Server computer. KB946422
    Describes symptoms that may occur when you generate a report in System Center Operations Manager 2007 or in System Center Essentials 2007. To resolve this problem, you must install a service pack. KB946429
    Describes an issue that occurs when you try to view the AD Domains topology view in System Center Operations Manager 2007. KB946431
    Describes a problem that occurs if you select all the items on the Alert Criteria page in the subscription wizard. Operations Manager 2007 displays the default selection for alert criteria instead of displaying all the criteria that you selected. KB946420
    Describes a problem that occurs when you click "Print Preview" to view a System Center Operations Manager 2007 report or a System Center Essentials 2007 report. The background color of the report is black instead of white. KB946419
    Describes an issue in which the Opsmgr reporting feature and the Essentials reporting feature do not work correctly when you configure Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to run in SharePoint integrated mode. Provides a workaround. KB946417
    Describes an issue in which the Health Service does not start when you restart a RMS server. Event IDs 20056, 2001, 29104, 101, and 103 are logged in the System Center Operations Manager 2007 event log. KB946421
    Describes how to recover from a situation where the Root Management Server encryption key is unavailable after you have replaced or reinstalled the Root Management Server server. KB946425
    Describes the issue where you receive an error message when you try to remove the System Center Operations Manager 2007 database role. Provides a resolution. KB945946
    Describes a problem that occurs if the management server does not have accounts specified for its data warehouse "Run As" profiles. KB943706
    Provides a hotfix that addresses two problems that are related to the OpsMgr SDK Service in System Center Operations Manager 2007. KB944443
    Describes a list of updates in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 Release Candidate. KB941811
    Fixes a memory leak that occurs in an agent of System Center Operations Manager 2007. Provides a hotfix and hotfix installation instructions. KB941557
    Fixes a problem that occurs when an agent of System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 reports to management servers that are running the original release of System Center Operations Manager 2007. Provides a hotfix. KB944347
    SCOM Reporting installation fails when the DB name contains special characters KB941985
    Describes a problem in System Center Operations Manager 2007 where a management group intermittently stops receiving new alerts if the management group contains an Exchange Server computer. Event ID 2115 is logged. KB943239
    Contains a list of best practices to use when you create an override in System Center Operations Manager 2007. KB943307
    Describes behavior in System Center Operations Manager 2007 after you delete a management pack, and then reimport a management pack. When you view the imported management pack, discovery information is missing. KB942864
    Describes the tools that you can use to obtain trace logs in System Center Operations Manager 2007 and in System Center Essentials. A Microsoft CSS representative use these trace logs to perform advanced troubleshooting. KB942865
    Describes a problem that occurs if the data warehouse database was created by using the DBCreateWizard program from the Operations Manager 2007 media. KB942866
    Describes an issue that occurs in System Center Operations Manager 2007 after you put a computer agent into Maintenance mode. The agent unexpectedly continues to generate heartbeat alerts. A resolution is included. KB942863
    Describes how to create an alert-generating rule to collect Facility values from a UNIX or Linux system. KB942862
    Describes an extension in the support boundaries for the Reporting Server feature in System Center Operations Manager 2007. We now provide full support for the installation of the Reporting Server feature on a domain controller. …

    Windows Server 2008 hotfixy pro SCE 2007 SP1

    Pokud máme nainstalován Windows Server 2008, určitě budeme potřebovat hotfixy popsané v KB954049. Jedná se právě o specifické hotfixy pro korektní běh aplikací SCOM/SCE 2007 SP1 na Windows Server 2008. (KB951327, KB952664, KB953290, KB951116 a nakonec samotný KB954049). MS SCE Další kritické hotfixy pro SCE 2007 SP1 Podobně jako u SCOM 2007 SP1 i zde jsou k dispozici kritické management packy. Proto je jejich instalace doporučená do všech prostředí. KB951979 – Aktualizuje 4 systémové knihovny (MP) KB954903 – Řeší přetěžování zdrojů souborem monitoringhost.exe KB956240 – Řeší přetěžování CPU SQL Serverem KB957511 – Řeší špatné aktualizace stavů alertů a stavů monitorovaných objektů KB958253 – Řeší správné zobrazování zobrazení “Patch List” Tyto hotfixy jsem již popsal v úvodu tohoto článku, popisující použití hotfixů pro SCOM 2007 SP1. A co říci nakonec? Pokud jste měli problémy se stabilitou SCOM 2007/SCE 2007 a použijete zmíněné hotfixy, vaše management prostředí bude určitě v lepší kondici. Nesmím ale opomenou, že těchto několik hotfixů neřeší veškeré problémy, které mohou při práci nastat. Proto je dobré sledovat stránky produktů a případně zkusit vyhledat konkrétní opravu problému.

Autor: Pavel Řepa

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